Have a nice day

I am a beautiful woman, so I’ve read

But today a man called me pretty and asked where I was heading

Yesterday a man wouldn’t speak to me but spoke to my male coworker instead

And three years ago I overheard a boy speak of actions he dreams to fulfill in between my legs

A decade ago I wanted to go down the big slide but it was ‘boys only’ he said

I said ‘I have no hips’ and he said ‘No you’re beautiful’

Four years ago, my uncle asked me sternly when will I learn to cook for my future husband

But I don’t understand

If I am so beautiful

Why did that man catcall me on the street

Why did that man not speak to me when I was ringing his items up

Why did that boy tell his friend about carnal things he’d do to me

Why did the chubby boy block the entry to the slide

Why can’t I have no hips and be beautiful at the same time

Why must I learn to cook for someone that is not me

I thought I was beautiful, so I’ve read

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